lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2017


For the visitor of Havana today , the capital of Cuba IS a real surprise.
 For the guajiros (farmers) it is always the dreamt city, the Mecca of Cuba, with all that this could mean.
For foreigners, whether they are tourists or not, Havana can mean a lot or a little,
 but it certainly does not leave any of them indifferent. I have heard all kinds of expressions of admiration, dismay, disappointment, and those who knew it in other times, of indignation.
For me, Havana has always been the same. I already knew it without great light advertisements, I was even born in the middle of a season of blackouts, which, like those of hurricanes, return irremediably.
 I met her with the facades of each house and building unpainted, peeling. The streets full of hollows, the big warehouses stocked, and finally, with all the problems that are so present every day
Not at all the Havana of Eusebio Leal, the reforming historian of the city .
The capitalinos of that time thought that everything was already lost and an air of resignation mixed with the certainty that in the whole world things were more or less the same in the environment.
But also Havana, in fact all of Cuba, was not only very different from the capitalist Havana of the early twentieth century but also, and it can be said, principally, of today's Havana.
If I had to summarize with some expression, the impression of Havana of my childhood would be tranquility, carelessness. That for me back then. Because from the present I can broaden the perspective: the tranquility provided by the ignorance of many things, positive and negative.

it was good? it was bad?
It was only and that is what we are today's Cubans.
Mostly thin, thirsty for material things, so eager to travel (supreme dream) that we sacrifice our homes and many even our lives to see another sky.
Guide and teacher in Havana 
+5352646921 whatssap & telegram 

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