domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2018

HAVANA, an invitation from a Cuban

It is one invitation to discover the most bright and radiant capital of the Americas.

 In a resemblance to the Paris and New York of today, the Havana of the fifties laughed at the most seen places of the United States of the after war. There were the latest fashionable bars, the most luxury hotels, and an exuberant challenging architecture, in the oldest commercial place of the Caribbean. 
What's left from all that? The history is turning in 180 degrees after a period of fifty years, changing into vestiges the luxury city from before. It's an adaptation or a transformation all about?

 Despite the abandoned monuments, the atmosphere is intact. Havana Connaisseur presents, on the backside of the contemporary history and through many forms of current activities, what conforms the face of the Havana of today. Both a melancholic and cheerfulness mixture appears combined with epicurean pleasures. The Well being style of the Caribbean.

Old Havana has many sights and sounds to captivate the inquisitive traveller. These include Plaza de Armas  (the oldest square in Havana and the site of the city’s foundation), El Templete (the oldest neo-classical building in Havana),  La Catedral San Cristobal de la Habana and the Museo de la Revolucion. However for most visitors who join us on our Havana city tour it is the excitement of  being part of the commotion of daily street-life is the number one highlight. So, put your walking shoes on and  soak up the atmosphere of this lively, excitable city.


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Come to the land of legendary cigars, classic cars, Ernest Hemingway, mojitos, dominoes, historic Havana and much more. Scratch one more adv...